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Green Up Your Bathroom With Eco-Friendly Remodeling Tips
If you want to give your bathroom a fresh new look and help the planet at the same time, it’s totally possible. Eco-friendly bathroom remodeling

Save Money With an Energy-Efficient Home Addition
Expanding your home can be costly, but there are ways to recoup expenses over time and increase your return on investment. Choosing energy-efficient building materials

Is Remodeling Your Kitchen in the Winter a Good Idea?
When you decide to remodel your kitchen, winter may seem like the perfect time, but it could come with some challenges. For one, people spend

Creative Home Additions for the New Year
What better time than the new year to start a home renovation project? This time of year is when homeowners are often considering ways they

Extend the Life of Your Deck With Simple Maintenance
A deck is a great place to entertain and relax at the end of a long day. To keep it in top shape, consistent care

Should You Update or Remodel Your Bathroom?
A bathroom remodel sounds like a dream, but it’s also a major time and money investment. The costs can surpass $15,000, making it one of